December 27, 2017


If you are addicted to the sweetness of soda and fizzy drinks, it’s high time you say farewell to fizzy drinks. Sugary drinks feel good when you take them but they can be very dangerous to your health and kick against your weight loss goal.   Adults are expected to consume about 12 teaspoons of sugar daily. But going more than the recommended dose is simply looking for trouble. Excessive intake of fizzy drinks like soda and coke can have negative impacts on the body. These impacts include;

Negative effect on the brain

Several people reach for a soft drink or a diet Coke whenever they are taking their lunch in the hope of getting sugar and caffeine boost. This might enable you focus initially, but in the long run it can have a depressing effect on your thinking process and brain function. Instead of fizzy foods, you can substitute them with natural and healthy drinks.

Heart disease: Sugar contributes immensely to liver disease because of its cholesterol content

Dental Cavities: Because of their sugar contents, fizzy foods can lead to dental cavities since they feed harmful bacteria in the mouth. This can also lead to tooth decay.

Weight Gain: We all know that sugar has a lot of calories. If they are too much in your system, the body might not be able to burn fat easily which will surely be changed into fat.

Higher cholesterol: It’s not only fatty foods that increase the level of cholesterol in the body. Sugar plays a significant part as well. If you want to lose bulk, slow down on your sugar intake.

Carcinogenic: Sugar disrupts metabolism. As such, it contributes its own quota to cancer disease.

Say farewell to fizzy drinks and welcome delicious alternatives.

Instead of taking too much fizzy drinks, there are alternatives that can equally satisfy you. These include fresh fruit juice, watermelon juice, berries, iced tea, and coconut water.   These are all alternatives that can quench your taste for fizzy foods, and they are healthy too.

December 27, 2017


Eating healthy meal can give you the nutrients and calories you need for your daily activities such as exercise. If you really want to get your workouts right and stay very healthy, well-balanced diet is a priority for you.  The following tips can help you eat healthy meal to lose weight fast.

Breakfast is usually the most important meal of the day

When it comes to eating good quality food, you need to pay special attention to what you eat in the morning. Research has shown that taking the right foods during breakfast is known to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Do not spend much time on carbohydrates for your breakfast. Instead, concentrate on protein and fiber rich foods. These will keep you satiated and ready to face your line of activities for the day.

Eat the right type of fats

Most people believe that fats work against any fitness or weight loss goal. But in truth, some fats can actually help you. Healthy fats can lower the level of inflammation and provide enough calories you need for exercise. During physical workouts, your body needs fats as fuel. Although too much fat in the body is dangerous for weight loss, you still need to take in healthy fats to help with workouts. Foods that can give you healthy fats include olives, avocado seeds, and nuts.

Do not neglect fruits and vegetables

Although there have been so much talk about the benefits of fruits and vegetables, people still don’t take enough of them. If you want to eat healthy meal to promote your fitness, always include enough quantity of these special nutrients to your diets because they help in metabolism and are very low in calories. Half of your meal should contain fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Yes, that’s how much you need to take these special foods to burn fat fast. Thankfully, there are lots of options for fruits and vegetables so you will definitely find the ones you love eating.


December 26, 2017


Losing weight has become a burden to a lot of people. Unfortunately, many have been made to believe that they need to starve themselves to lose bulk and gain fitness. Please don’t starve in order to lose weight because most of the time it doesn’t work. In fact, most people who have had success in gaining fitness are those who ate well. That’s the plain truth.

Why keeping yourself hungry is not ideal for weight loss

If you eat after you have kept yourself hungry, your body does not process the food in the normal way. Instead of making use of it, your body will store it because metabolism has now slowed down. This makes you gain weight faster.

Your body will move into survival mode if you starve yourself

The body is made up of several hormones and cells that work together to keep it at optimum performance. When you eat, the body takes in the food and utilizes the food for several purposes.  But when you decide to starve yourself, it moves into survival mode. Your body will begin to preserve body fat as digestion will be very slow. Apart from its effect on your body, you may crack and decide to eat a lump sum quantity to make up for the lost meal. It’s quite easy to get tempted and indulge yourself into eating foods your body may store as fat.

This is why you don’t need to starve yourself because you want to lose weight fast. Instead, eat healthy foods that will give your body enough nutrients for proper metabolism. Eat enough meals during the day and take healthy in-between meals. Don’t starve yourself in order to burn fat because you might be achieving exactly what you are desperately trying to avoid.



December 26, 2017


There have been a lot of talks about yoga being able to influence weight loss. But in reality, does yoga help in losing weight? While there are divergent views on the benefits of yoga in weight loss, so many fitness experts are positive that yoga actually influences weight loss.

Generally, weight loss happens when an individual’s calorie output is more than his calorie intake. So, if you take in more calories than you expedite, you are likely not going to lose weight.  Although we can’t say yoga play a vital role in weight loss like heavy workouts and proper dieting, it does contribute its quota in your overall mass reduction.

It is certain that yoga burn fat less than the usual exercises (brisk walking, running, jogging), it can actually improve your mindfulness and how you relate to your body. This will enable you become more aware of what you eat, which helps you make better food choices.

Those who perform yoga exercises may not want to consume foods that make them lethargic and sluggish. Rather, they would settle for healthier foods for proper yoga exercise. This food choice will surely help them burn fat. Apart from the usual amount of calorie they may lose during yoga exercises, they can also avoid eating certain foods that can increase the amount of calories in their body.

In addition, yoga is very important for relieving stress. Many people take in more foods when they are stressed out. With Yoga, their level of stress will be reduced which helps a lot in regulating what they eat.

Remember that Yoga classes are all in different levels. Some are strictly for exercise, others are meant for power, while some Yoga classes are intended for the mind.  Those with the goal of losing weight can have better results when they engage in the first or second classes.


So to answer the question does yoga help in losing weight? The answer is definitely YES. But you need to add other more intense exercises and follow proper diets to have better and faster results.

December 25, 2017


Meditation is a strong mind activity that helps individuals become focused and peaceful. Anyone can actually benefit from meditation, and the best part is it does not cost anything to meditate. But our focus here is whether it has any impact on weight loss. Does meditation help in weight loss? Surprisingly, meditation actually does.  Although it may not have a heavy influence like physical workouts and healthy eating, meditation has both direct and indirect benefits for those looking to lose bulk.

So, what are the connections between meditation and weight loss?

Well, this powerful mind activity aligns with your mind to help you easily make the changes you want to make on your health. Some people actually lose focus and lack motivation during their weight loss program. But meditation can bring your mind back to your actual goal and help you stay more focused.  These changes you make can range from changing eating behaviors to controlling cravings for unhealthy food.  Bad habits like emotional eating are usually groomed from the unconscious mind, so it’s good to work on that part of the mind to help you control those habits.

Direct benefits of meditation to weight loss

Apart from the indirect benefit above, meditation is directly linked to weight loss. Since meditation lowers stress levels, your body will be more in tune to lose weight fast. Stress is one of the major hindrances to weight loss. With meditation, stress hormones like cortisol can be taken care of, which reduces the body’s ability to store more fat.  If exercise and dieting is not really working for you, you may be having stress issues that are holding back your body from burning those fats. With meditation, you can bring down your stress levels and inhibit those stress hormones that store extra fats in the body.

These are the ways meditation can be very important to those looking to lose weight.



December 25, 2017


Professional cyclists would not be able to achieve the unmatched intensity they exhibit during tournaments if they were not physically fit. That is why most fitness experts would recommend similar types of workouts professional cyclist employ. Bike for exercise is a great way to lose weight fast and stay physically fit.

If you are looking to get the slim legs and fit body you crave for through cycling, you have to stay focused. This is why professional cyclists call themselves fitness freaks because they get a lot of work done on their fitness through cycling. You too can join the train and be like them.

What are the benefits of cycling?

  • Cycling has many accrued benefits. Surely cycling is one of the best ways to get the necessary exercise needed for weight loss and proper fitness.
  • Cycling is really fun and its overall effect on the body is amazing.
  • It helps you build lean body mass and impacts positively on the most important areas of your body (lungs and heart).
  • If you are looking to build up your leg muscles, cycling is one of the most ideal means to achieve that.
  • It is much easier on your feet, knees, ankles, and legs than running. You can actually drive your body and stay longer in your workouts if you choose to cycle rather than run. Although we can’t completely rule out the benefits of running, cycling gives you the opportunity to enjoy your workouts and also produce good results.


Overall, cycling is one of the best fitness routines you can undertake to burn fat. There are several options, including outdoor and indoor cycling, available to you.  If you want to achieve a lean and muscular body like those cycling professionals, including cycling in your routines will help you a great deal.