November 4, 2018


As the year draws to an end, so many people have included weight loss and fitness as one of their goals in the coming year. Whether these goals will be achieved will depend largely on the individual. If you really want to achieve the best when it comes to weight loss, you need to push yourself harder.  It’s important to take a step further than just knowing what to do to stay fit. You need to set your goal and try to stay motivated throughout that goal until it’s achieved.  Below are ways you can push yourself harder when trying to lose weight.

  1. Set a goal

The first thing you have to do here is to have a goal. In fact, if there is no stated goal, you may not have the required motivation. Write your fitness goal down and go over them frequently to remind you where you are with the goal and how far you need to go.

  1. Pick a diet plan

After setting up your fitness goal, decide which fitness plan will be ideal for such goal. Doing random fitness routines will not help you achieve anything. Have a fitness plan and try to stick to that plan. It can be six weeks plan, 5 months plan, or one year plan. Whichever plan you select, try to see it to the end to effectively lose bulk.

  1. Raise your levels

Starting any fitness program is always very tough but once you have become comfortable with the plan, try to raise your level. Remaining in one workout might slow down your progress. Try to spice your workouts up with several other workouts or increase the intensity of the present workout.   There are several ways to improve on your workouts. You can lift more weights, jump higher, or go faster.

Overall, the level of progress you make will depend on how far you can push yourself and how motivated you will be till the end of your fitness and diet program.


October 13, 2018

malaysia top 10 dancing studios 1280x800 - Myths about Weight Loss

Weight loss is arguably the hottest health topic in the world today. People are more conscious of their body than before and there are several myths surrounding this critical aspect of healthy living. With so many things being said about weight loss, a lot of people cannot separate facts from fiction when it comes to issues about weight loss. Let’s look at the different myths about weight loss and find out whether they are actually true.

Myth: If you really want to lose weight, you need to avoid carbs

This is totally false. In fact, your weight loss goal will not be achieved if you completely do away with carbohydrates. There are several carbohydrate rich foods that are vital when loosing weight. Foods like vegetables (including peas and beans), whole grains and fruits, are the basis of a healthy eating pattern.

Myth: You need to go hungry if you really want to lose weight

This is absolutely not true. A lot of dieters believe starving themselves will help them effectively lose weight. But if you skip snacks and meals all day, it can lead to frustration and irritability, which can make you go off your diet.  And if you go off your diet, you are surely going to regain weight even faster than you have lost it.

Myth: You will lose weight faster if you cut fat from your diet

Fats can actually improve your metabolism and enable you shed some pounds. It’s not all fats that will lead to weight gain.  You can eat healthy fats such as wild salmon, walnuts, hemp seeds, and avocados.  These can even help you lose weight rather than the opposite people have been made to believe.


The above are some of the myths about weight loss. If you have believed any of these myths, it is better you now know the facts so you don’t hinder your weight losing process.

April 21, 2018


Weight loss is a very common topic in the world today. So many people really want to stay physically fit but they don’t know how best to make it happen. If you want to make your weight loss way better, there are certainly good tips you can follow. But before we outline some of those tips, its important to point out that achieving your weight loss goal will depend mostly on you and not on any tips, programs, or schedule you are asked to follow. It all boils down to your desire and ability to stick to what will work for you. Let’s head on to tips for a better weight loss.

  1. Exchange refined carbohydrates with vegetables

Carbs like sandwich, spaghetti, and white rice can cause a lot of harm than good when trying to burn fat. They are easily digested, which makes you go hungry and liable to overeat later.  Instead of these types of foods, go for cauliflower “rice” or vegetables.  The vegetable carbs are slower to digest than carbs from refined carbohydrates.

  1. Take a lot of water in place of energy drinks

A can of energy drink contains about100 calories, yet this drink will not satisfy your thirst as water will do. That’s why if you are thirsty and take an energy drink, you will still be thirsty. But if you are craving for any of the drinks and decide to take water, that craving will subside.  Though tasteless, water is the most satisfying liquid drink you can think of. And interestingly, it has zero calories and is healthier for the body.          

  1. Sleep well

Giving yourself a good rest has the effect of balancing the hormones in your body and providing better strength to take care of your daily activities. Also, a proper sleep will help you not to feel lethargic in the morning, which might make you skip the gym.

  1. Finally, take out 30 minutes daily to do cardio

This is one of the best ways to make your weight loss way better. There can’t be any meaningful weight loss program without workouts. If you want to achieve better results, try to do cardiovascular exercises daily.  Sacrificing 30 minutes every day for these types of exercises can produce unimaginable results for weight loss.

February 17, 2018


As humans, we all set one goal or the other and strive to achieve it. When it comes to dieting, it’s quite easy to lose focus because there are so many things that will be working against you.   But you need to find the right plan to maintain the focus if you really want to achieve your weight loss goal. There are so many things that can help you maintain focus. Let’s look at some simple approaches to take for a better motivation.

Try to monitor your progress

Monitoring your process will help you stay focused and reignite your interest in your weight loss goal.  If you keep track of your progress and actually see you are making headways in your dieting and workouts, you will certainly be motivated to keep going. But it’s easy to lose focus if you can’t really know whether you are progressing or not. Record your weight every week and adjust your exercises and eating when necessary.

Exercise with someone

If you do things in group, you are likely going to stay more motivated than when you do it alone. So many people visit the gym not because they can’t afford the basic equipment they need but because they want to maintain the focus. Moreover, competition can spur people to do more. It’s not like you are competing against anyone because people have different body structure. But you are going to stay more motivated if you see someone in the gym pushing harder than you.

Set realistic goals

If your goals are too hard to attain, it will be very difficult to maintain the focus. Set realistic goals that are achievable within a timeframe. Start from setting daily goals to weekly, and then monthly. Generally, achieving the smaller goals should be associated to achieving the larger goals.

With the above in mind, you will be able to stay more focused in your quest to lose weight and achieving your health and fitness goals.


February 17, 2018


There are certainly different ways to lose bulk, but not all of them will be the right plan for you.  We have different body structures and eating habits, and what works for one person may not work for another individual.  However, most weight loss plans will definitely have certain features in common. Below are three simple steps for anyone to follow for effective weight loss.

  1. Minimize your intake of starches and sugar

These are foods with the highest impact on the stimulation of insulin in the body. If you are not already aware, insulin is the body’s primary fat storage hormone.  If insulin is down, stored fat will have an easy passage from the body. Another main reason to lower insulin is the fact that the kidney removes excess water and sodium out of the body, which minimizes redundant water waste.

  1. Take a lot of vegetables, fat and protein

Your meal should have a vegetable source, a fat source as well as a protein source.  There are different good protein sources such as eggs, fish and seafood, meat, beans, and peas.  While you are trying to lose bulk, you still need to build your body mass (muscles), and there is no better way to achieve this than proper intake of protein.  With high protein diet, your desire for constant food will be minimized to a great extent. This will definitely reduce your desire to take late night foods and in-between meals that can increase your calorie intake. Apart from protein, always include low-calorie vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, and lettuce in your diet.  A diet rich in meat and vegetables will have all the minerals, vitamins, and fiber your body needs.

  1. Finally, do not neglect exercises

It’s quite interesting to see so many dieters concentrate on foods alone without paying equal attention to exercises. If you want to shed fat, the fastest way this can be done is through exercise.  Do workouts regularly and combine it with proper diet to get the best results.  Losing weight is not rocket science. The best way is to follow the simple weight loss tips and keep your diets free of calories.   It might not be a rapid process, but gradually you will start seeing results as you comply with your weight loss routine.

January 8, 2018

We all love to have a flat tummy. But with our sedentary lifestyle and an increase in junk foods we take, it becomes quite difficult to lose weight and get that flat tummy we crave for.  There are different workout routines available for people who are serious about having a flat stomach. If you want to lose fat in just a month, hang on and follow these tips:

Determination is the first thing

If you have not made up your mind in terms of your seriousness and preparations, nobody can help you lose belly fat. You need to have an in-born desire to shed those fats on your belly. You need to be aware that losing weight requires constant exercising and adjusting your eating habit. Once you are determined to achieve your weight loss goals, you can go on from there with other tips that can help you.

Find a Trainer/Guide

With a trainer, you will be directed on the types of exercises that will have the maximum impact on your body. The trainer will understand your body structure and guide you on the best exercise suitable for your kind of body. Moreover, having a guide or trainer is a good source of motivation as well.

Take healthy diets

There is no way you will be able to lose belly fats if you still stick to your favorite sweeteners. Include special foods like omega-3 fatty acids and almonds in your diets. They promote metabolism, provide magnesium, and are rich in fiber. These are all nutrients you need in order to lose belly fat.

Lower your calorie intake

By now you should be aware that calories will be a major hindrance to your weight loss goal. Try as much as possible to reduce the level of calories you take on a daily basis. This will be achieved when you resist taking all your favorite delights and eat more healthy foods during the day.

Overall, if you are looking to lose fat in just a month, it’s definitely achievable. All you need is the determination to take the required food and exercise regularly. At the end of the month, you will definitely love your body when you see the results in the mirror.